mutt-wizard (mw)


Muttwizard is a tool that automatically sets up a neomutt-based minimal email system.

Who is mw for?

  1. Those new to or experimenting with extensible, terminal-based setups.
  2. Those already familiar with all that, but don't want to be bothered by manually setting up neomutt and its many peripheral programs.

mw does all this for you.

mw follows the Unix philosophy: it calls on already-existing minimal programs to give you a full email system. Knowledge of none of these programs is required by the user to get the system up and working.


git clone
cd mutt-wizard
sudo make install


Before using mw, be sure you have a GPG key pair (run gpg --full-gen-key if you do not). The email used in the GPG key needn't have anything to do with the email accounts added by mw. It is merely used to store passwords. Once you have a key pair, run pass init

Highly recommended

Other programs to consider



mw: mutt-wizard, auto-configure email accounts for mutt
including downloadable mail with `isync`.
Main actions:
  -a     Add an email address
  -l                    List email addresses configured
  -d                    Remove an already added address
  -D     Force remove account without confirmation
  -y     Sync mail for account by name
  -Y                    Sync mail for all accounts
  -t number             Toggle automatic mailsync every  minutes
  -T                    Toggle automatic mailsync
  -r                    Reorder and set new default account
Options allowed with -a:
  -u    Account login name if not full address
  -n    "Real name" to be on the email account
  -i    IMAP/POP server address
  -I    IMAP/POP server port
  -s    SMTP server address
  -S    SMTP server port
  -x    Password for account (recommended to be in double quotes)
  -p    Add for a POP server instead of IMAP.
  -X    Delete an account's local email too when deleting.
  -o    Configure address, but keep mail online.
  -f    Assume typical English mailboxes without attempting log-on.
NOTE: Once at least one account is added, you can run
`mbsync -a` to begin downloading mail.
To change an account's password, run `pass edit`.


neomutt configured by mw will have vim-like bindings. o downloads mail. ctrl-f searches mail indexed by notmuch. m to write mail, r to reply to a mail, y to send mail that is written.

See man mw for more information. You may also press ? when within neomutt to get a full list of key bindings.


mw is a real time saver and opens up a new world of efficient email for people. If you've benefited from mw, please donate Bitcoin or Monero: